29th Klix international gliding cup 2023

After celebrating the successful restart of our competition series in 2022, following the two pandemic years, we are more than happy to welcome you again to the international gliding cup “Klassentreffen” in Klix in 2023.

 Safety briefing (mandatory): 27 April 2023, 7:00 PM

Flying days: 28 April 2023 – 6 May 2023

Training days: 26/27 April 2023

All news to our competition you can find in our  news-section
Information for gridding & Co:  here

Have a look at our  KLIX-SHOP

Organizing team and patron

On the following two pages we would like to introduce you to the organizing team of the competition as well as present you the greeting of the patron.

News and photo gallery

All news regarding our competition can be found in our separate competition blog. In addition, we will publish there the photo galleries with impressions of the competition days.

Tasks and results

The tasks and results of each competition day can be found on Soaring Spot:


The maximum amount of participants was reached and also the successor lists are well filled. Therefore, the registration process for Klix 2023 is closed.


The names are listed in an alphabetical order (important for the registration ranking was however the time of registration and the transfer of the entry fee). The list of successors in case that the participant limit in a certain class was exceeded is also shown in an alphabetical order. Hence that order is not relevant for the replacement calls.

We ask you to transfer the entry fee if you want to take part. Please be aware that paying the entry fee latest until the 10 December 2022 is a requirement for receiving the confirmation of participation (invitation and general rules no. 7ff)

Please recheck your data and add, change or complete it independently in the registration portal (you received the access link and the password via mail).

The preliminary participant list can be found here:

Documents and information

Here you can download important information for the 29th International Gliding CUP / Klix 2023. In the following document you will find the invitation. General rules and further important information about the competition, flying procedures, the local rules and organizational aspects will be added soon. Please read carefully.

In case of remaining doubts or questions, despite the extensive information you can find in the documents, don’t hesitate to contact us via  mail. Additional helpful information, e.g. for  arriving, regarding our  infrastructure, or accommodation close to the airfield, you can find on the pages of our website.

Waypoints and airspace

Airspace data and the turnpoints are provided via SOARINGSPOT

Disclaimer: These files provide the basis for evaluation of the results in Klix 2023. Data has been thoroughly collected, it does neither claim to be exhaustive, current nor fully correct, however. It will not replace official ICAO-maps nor airspace data published by the DFS and is not suitable for in-flight navigation.


We arranged once again this year our online shop for you, where you can equip yourself with fashionable clothes and useful accessories. Whether personalized with your competition sign or decorated with a humorous slogan – there are no limits set to your creativity. You can find more information here:

Food and drinks supply

Like in the last years, we are providing plenty of options for your wellbeing in terms of food and drinks directly at the airfield.

Bakery: A baker’s van will be selling fresh bread and other related products at the camping site every morning between 7:15 and 8:00 am from Thursday 27th April until Saturday 6th May.

Restaurant: Lunch and Dinner can be enjoyed at our small restaurant, which will be operated from Thursday 27th April until Saturday 6th May.

Farewell party: The time/day for the farewell dinner will be announced during the course of the competition, as this will be decided taking into account the weather and flying situation.

Bar: Drinks and snacks will be supplied at our club’s comfortable bar, right next to the briefing hangar. Opening times: 6:00 pm until late 😉

Competition maps

In cooperation with the DSV (Deutscher Segelflugverband) we are working on an ICAO map, certified by the DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung) for the complete competition area. The consecutively numbered turning points will be printed on the map and are coordinated with the competitions in Holzdorf (IMGC), Lüsse, Riesa-Canitz, Brandenburg, and Klix.

The map will contain the area from 50.-54. latitude north and 10.-18. longitude east (see the picture below). The map will meet all the requirements for the mandatory aviation chart you need to take on board. It covers the standard map sheet of Berlin completely and in part the sheets of Nürnberg and Rostock, as well as parts of Poland and the Czech Republic.

It’s possible to purchase the map during the registration in Klix. It will be one unfolded piece (98cm x 138cm). Therefore, it is neither necessary anymore to glue multiple maps together nor search for the right map in the cockpit.

Map folding: 

Due to the size of the map it is necessary to fold it before storing it in the cockpit. We suggest you use the „city plan“ folding method. It allows the possibility to reduce the map to a size of about a standard A4-sheet while keeping the possibility of browsing two-dimensionally. This makes an inconvenient refolding during flight obsolete. The following two links present an instruction for folding the map as well as a video of the end result.